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“A sustainable textile industry is achievable, but it really requires a complete change in how we handle our fabrics.”

— Thomas Homburg

Make a difference with your clothing choices; choose quality

Our tablecloths, towels, but especially trousers and T-shirts have the greatest environmental and climate impact after food, transport and homes. If clothes last longer, fewer new clothes will be produced, purchased and thrown away. Figures show that wearing a piece of clothing twice as long saves 44% of greenhouse gases compared to buying something new.

Extending the life of clothing by an additional nine months can reduce the carbon, water and waste footprint by 20 to 30%. In an ideal world, every garment should be provided with information about its expected lifespan and clothes should meet quality standards.

When buying new clothes, pay attention to the quality. High-quality clothing is made of thicker materials, has optimal color fastness, and well-finished seams and zippers. Choose clothes that are easier to reuse, repair, upgrade and recycle.

By applying these tips - and the tips below - you contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry. Inspire others to be more conscious with their clothing. Together we make a difference, one outfit at a time!

Stay stylish, stay sustainable! 💚✨

Make a difference with your clothing choices; choose quality

Our tablecloths, towels, but especially trousers and T-shirts have the greatest environmental and climate impact after food, transport and homes. If clothes last longer, fewer new clothes will be produced, purchased and thrown away. Figures show that wearing a piece of clothing twice as long saves 44% of greenhouse gases compared to buying something new.

Extending the life of clothing by an additional nine months can reduce the carbon, water and waste footprint by 20 to 30%. In an ideal world, every garment should be provided with information about its expected lifespan and clothes should meet quality standards.

When buying new clothes, pay attention to the quality. High-quality clothing is made of thicker materials, has optimal color fastness, and well-finished seams and zippers. Choose clothes that are easier to reuse, repair, upgrade and recycle.

By applying these tips - and the tips below - you contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry. Inspire others to be more conscious with their clothing. Together we make a difference, one outfit at a time!

Stay stylish, stay sustainable! 💚✨

This way you take care of your clothes and extend their lifespan enormously!

You can help tackle the polluting fast-fashion industry! Even if you start small, you are less likely to throw away clothing or furniture. How do you extend the lifespan of textiles:

1). Less washing and drying

Washing machines are energy guzzlers; they consume about 4% of the total energy consumption in the home. In addition, textile fibers are quickly damaged by frequent washing. Wash your clothes less often and at lower temperatures to save energy and extend the lifespan of your clothes. Use sustainable detergents and only wash when the drum is full. Hang your clothes to air dry to reduce wear and tear. Tip: For example, use dryer balls in the dryer to save energy and make your laundry softer!

2). Avoid ironing

You cannot avoid using an iron with some textile items, but be aware that the heat and force you exert on the fabric with your iron 'crush' and damage the fibers of your fabric. Every time you iron it, the lifespan of your fabric is shortened somewhat.

Ironing can damage the fibers of your fabric and shorten its lifespan. Use a clothes steamer instead. Hot steam removes wrinkles without damaging the fibers, leaving your clothes looking fresh again.

3). Use tools to smooth fabrics

Make sure you have some tools at home that make clothes look nicer. Lint and hair can make a garment look unkempt. Use a lint brush, adhesive roller or an electric depilator to make your clothes look like new again.

4). Do you still want to get rid of clothes?

Don't throw away your clothes. Donate them to charity or hand them in at vintage stores. Buy quality clothing that can have a second life and that someone else can also be happy with!